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Other Information
What do you feed your hens?The ladies get to free range during the daytime almost every day of the year! They eat bugs and worms as well as grass and plant matter. I provide them with complete layer pellets, and often snacks of black oil sunflower seeds, corn, soybeans, mealworms, and black soldier fly larvae. They eat whatever they want from kitchen scraps, the rest composts.
Do you cage up your chickens?They sleep in a spacious coop at night that is locked up for safety, and they can come and go from it as they please during the daytime. They are only caged temporarily for health care only if needed.
Do you use hormones or antibiotics?There are no hormones used in poultry. Antibiotics are only used on individual birds when needed, then the eggs are tossed for a withdrawl period. For example, some chickens did require antibiotics after a neighbor's dog attacked our flock last year. Eggs were tossed for 14 days after the last dose. Occasionally a topical pesticide may be needed for insect control. Gnats can swarm and kill chickens by clogging their nostrils. I lightly spray them with an approved mix of permethrin on days that the gnats are bad. The same may be used against mites as well. Chickens and guineas dust bath daily which helps them naturlally fend off mites.
How long do eggs keep?Eggs keep practically forever. I only sell eggs that are less than 2 weeks old. I try to use them within a month. However, they will keep much longer. The state requires me to sell eggs washed and under powered refrigeration. Once washed, it is recommended to continue to keep them refrigerated.
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